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APCO-25 vs APCO-16 | Difference between APCO-25 and APCO-16

This page compares APCO-25 vs APCO-16 and mentionsdifference between APCO-25 and APCO-16technologies.


This standard defined operational and functional requirements of trunked radio system. It specifies basic requirements for the public safety communication system. It is the short form of Association of Public Safety Communications Officials- Project 16. It has been established in the year 1979.
Theexample productscompliant to APCO-16 standards are SmartNet & SmartZone trunked based systems designed and developed by Motorola. The other company which has products based on APCO-16 is EF Johnson.


这是短形式的公共安全ty Communication Officials-Project 25. It is digital radio standard developed in North America. APCO-25 defines two way radio communication standard for public safety and emergency services. Currently, APCO-25 supports 2 voice channels in one 25 KHz RF channel.

Specifications APCO-16 APCO-25
Technology Analog Digital
Multiple access technique FDMA FDMA
Telephony Type Trunked Conventional and Trunked
Channel Bandwidth 25/30 KHz 25/12.5 KHz
Frequency range VHF (136 to 174 MHz), UHF(403 to 512 MHz) and 800 MHz Bands VHF (136 to 174 MHz), UHF(403 to 512 MHz) and 800 MHz Bands


Website: https://about2wayradio.com/
The site provides all the useful information on two way radio technologies and two way radio product manufacturers.

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